ATAS Complaint Escalation Process

The ATAS Complaint Escalation Process is detailed in the Code of Conduct. It consists of three stages.

Stage 1 A complaint should be made to the travel agent or tour operator who will attempt to resolve the complaint in the first instance. The code allows for 21business days for this to occur. It may, however, take longer, and the agent or operator will provide an update on this.

Stage 2 Where a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the proposed resolution in Stage 1, the complaint may be lodged with ATIA. The ATAS Compliance Manager will then review the complaint and may determine whether the complaint is eligible for review.

If eligible, the ATAS Compliance Manager may:

  1. Seek to resolve the complaint by mutual agreement;
  2. Find the agent or operator has or proposes to take sufficient action that would resolve the complaint;
  3. Require the agent or operator to take particular action to resolve the complaint;
  4. Refer the matter to the ATAS Complaints Appeal Committee (ACAC); or
  5. Find no breach of the code and close the complaint.

Stage 3 Where a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the review in Stage 2, or where the ATAS Compliance Manager has referred the matter to ACAC, ACAC will review the complaint and make a determination.

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Updated on August 23, 2023

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