How can I seek a credit card chargeback?

Under certain circumstances, you can ask your bank or the financial institution who issued your card to reverse a payment. This is only the case if you paid for your travel with a credit card or by selecting ā€˜creditā€™ on a MasterCard or Visa debit card, which uses your own money but protects you from loss in the same way a credit card transaction would. This includes if the business:

  • Does not deliver the services as requested;
  • Does something you did not agree to, such as charging you for something you didnā€™t purchase.

You cannot seek a chargeback when using ā€˜chequeā€™ or ā€˜savingsā€™ as the account type on a debit or EFTPOS card, or when paying with cash, cheque, money transfer, direct debit or BPAY.

You should not request a chargeback if you are eligible to lodge an insurance claim or have already been compensated. Chargebacks come with terms and conditions, so be sure to ask your bank or financial institution.

If you believe your credit card provider has incorrectly refused a chargeback request, you can dispute this decision or complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

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Updated on November 8, 2023

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