How to lodge a complaint with AFTA?

Complaint lodgement is a simple, step-by-step, online process through which you provide us the details of your complaint.

You will need to provide AFTA with enough information for us to understand the issue/s you need assistance in resolving.

It is recommended you collate all relevant documents and materials before proceeding to the online form. The following will be requested from you in the complaint lodgement process:

  • Your personal details;
  • The ATAS business you are complaining about;
  • A summary of the complaint;Ā Ā 
  • A copy of a formal complaint being submitted to the business;
  • The response received to your complaint;
  • Relevant emails and communications supporting your complaint;
  • Any relevant material, including invoices, receipts, itineraries, screenshots, phone recordings, photographs and the like.

When youā€™re ready, lodge a complaint here.

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Updated on November 8, 2023

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