I have submitted a complaint form. What’s next?

ATIA manages complaints in line with the ATAS Code of Conduct. Upon submission of a complaint, you will be sent an automated email detailing the process.

AFTA will, in the first instance, assess your complaint to determine eligibility for review.

If you have failed to include the required documentation in your lodgement of your complaint you will not receive a response from ATIA.

If you have included all required information in the lodgement of your complaint, you will be notified of the outcome of the initial assessment within 14 days. At this time, you will be advised if additional information is required from you.

AFTA have a 45-day time frame to review your complaint. In the event this time frame needs to be extended, you will be advised of the delay and the reason why. Find out more here.

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Updated on August 23, 2023

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